What if the Church was fully Kingdom-centered?


What could we accomplish if we banded together? Could we reverse the current destructive trends and bring healing to communities? Our country? Even the world?

Potential Impact

A kingdom-centered Church could have a PROFOUND impact on our communities, our nations, and the world.

Our communities

We can meet the needs of people in need by working together. This is the primary purpose of religion.

Our Nation

The Church has abdicated many of its responsibilities to the government. It should fulfill its intended purpose and not be subjugated.


The Church should have a strong voice on moral issues that are addressed in the Holy Bible.

Failed approaches have focused on sameness, not embracing our  diversity per 1 Corinthians 12.

The NEW approach is to return to the Church Jesus designed from the beginning–the Ekklesia

Best solutions

I want to believe this is possible, but I just can’t get there…

Completely understandable. Many righteous, well-intentioned leaders have tried with little or no lasting results. What is different now?

  • We have learned that Church unity cannot be achieved by simply “joining our church.”

  • The operating model of the Church prescribed in 2 Corinthains 12 is based on a set of cohesive but interconnected parts.

  • We are recognizing that the Church is terrible at managing change. He need to learn to transform ourselves.

  • The world is in a season of chaos not seen in many generations. Only God can heal our land (2 Chron 7:14).

Let’s work on your Church together

How can we get started?

In summary, we should think big, start small, and act now! We have developed a framework that is aligned with this concept. We are certain that this transformation cannot happen overnight but it can’t move forward without taking a step…

What others are saying…

Book Testimonials

“As a pastor’s wife, I have been worried about the church and how to navigate through our shaky society. This book is filled with information and strategies that we need to build His kingdom. He is Waiting on Us gave me hope. It is an immediate must-read for the Church. Your outlook will brighten as we look to unite!”

Ann Fairchild, Co-pastor. Low Country Community Church, Murrells Inlet, SC
“This is one of the best books I have edited in recent years. Writing with insight and clarity, Jeff O’Dell details how the Church has remained largely ineffective because of the divisions—denominational, geographical, and philosophical—that plague us. Then Jeff goes a step further, offering practical solutions. Reaching unity won’t be easy, but every long journey starts with a single step.
Ken Walker, Freelance. Writer and Book Editor Huntington, WV
“Written from the vantage point of an experienced corporate strategist and change agent, Jeff’s vision of the path to unity within the Church is refreshing in its originality. If businesses can reinvent themselves for greater effectiveness, why not the Church as well? Jeff’s book has caused me to look differently at the question of church unity, and it will do the same for you as well. Prepare to be impacted!
Steven Haig, Church Elder. Author of The End Times Story: History’s Unveiling
“After reading He is Waiting on Us cover-to-cover 3 times, I am prepared to incorporate it into my teaching and ministry to pastors and church leaders. It is a new tool for strategic evangelism and winning souls.
I asked God to put these principles into my spirit so I can understand these principles and understand their relevance to those I minister to in East Africa. This book comes from a deep well and I pray that brother Jeff will continue to hear God and write more books.
Chrispus Wanyonyi, Evangelist to East Africa
“Jeff O’Dell, an outstanding piece of spirit-led undertaking advertising the need for the” Kingdom Centered Church.” People of all sorts including those of ” The Cloth”, tend to avoid change as communicated most eloquently-Christ is all about change. In fact, He is changing us daily from a worm to a butterfly transformation. One can have a saved soul, but, at the same time, have lost life, a life not conducive to the express will of our Creator, thus we live underinsured to all the benefits afforded us under the Kingdom policies. Jeff’s insight on the decline of church affiliation and the cause is correct. The lack of spiritual persuasive “dunimus power” in the local church is in the state of want! His essay on the division in the body of Christ, ”The Killer of Synergy” is profound. It is obvious that he has procured an unusual assignment to benefit the entire body of Christ. This book must be a “must read” in all Sacred Institutions, churches, seminaries and so on. May his quest for Unity be granted.
Dr. Johnny Koch, Doctor of Theology